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    politics 結果共170筆

  • KMT legislators question Taiwan’s tourism promotion in China

    Explore the controversy surrounding a social media bid by the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association Shanghai Branch, involving KMT legislators questioning the eligibility of mainland Chinese companies and raising concerns over potential double standards by the DPP in promoting Taiwan’s tourism on platforms deemed as cognitive warfare fronts.
    2024/05/06 16:26
  • Taiwan, Japan parties discuss youth outreaching

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je met with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party Youth Bureau Chief Suzuki Takako to discuss strategies for engaging youth. They emphasized the need for a youthful approach and the challenge of broadening the party’s appeal. The TPP aims for long-term growth and international collaborations, with Ko actively engaging with young people through university lectures. Suzuki praised the TPP’s initiatives and Ko’s campaign efforts.
    2024/05/03 12:09
  • KMT legislator accuses agency of favoring Lai Ching-te

    Explore the controversy surrounding the National Land Management Agency’s decision to legalize unauthorized construction at the family home of incoming President Lai Ching-te. Critics accuse the agency of favoritism and question the fairness of land use policies.
    2024/04/30 16:35
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with rising India

    Chen Mu-min, the Deputy Representative to India, highlights the strengthening of Taiwan-India relations through increased cooperation in trade, investment, education, and technology. He emphasizes India’s growing political influence as beneficial for Taiwan’s international engagement and notes the expansion of Taiwan Education Centers in India, alongside a rise in Indian students and researchers visiting Taiwan. The reorganization of the global supply chain is seen as a driving force behind Taiwanese manufacturers moving to India, promising a boost in trade volume between the two nations.
    2024/04/30 13:54
  • Thai foreign minister resigns after Cabinet reshuffle

    Discover the details of Thai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara’s resignation following his removal from the deputy prime minister role, and its impact on foreign affairs and Myanmar initiatives.
    2024/04/29 14:47
  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • Ma Ying-jeou calls for cross-strait peace, collaboration

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit to Sun Yat-sen’s birthplace stirs emotions as he emphasizes the need for peace, unity, and prosperity between Taiwan and China, invoking the revolutionary leader’s teachings for future generations.
    2024/04/02 17:39
  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • DPP urges Ma to affirm Taiwan’s sovereignty in China visit

    DPP Caucus Whip Wu Szu-yao urges former President Ma Ying-jeou to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming visit to China. Criticizing the KMT for scheduling the visit during a sensitive period, Wu emphasizes the importance of aligning with Taiwan’s mainstream public opinion. She warns against sending the wrong message and calls for the assertion of Taiwan’s sovereignty, particularly regarding Taiping Island.
    2024/03/25 17:20
  • Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen tops approval ratings

    Discover the latest insights into potential KMT presidential candidates in Taiwan as Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emerges as a frontrunner with a 62% approval rating. Learn about the dynamics within the Kuomintang and the challenges Lu may face in the 2028 Presidential Election.
    2024/03/13 12:32
  • Taiwan premier urges in-depth study on absentee voting law

    Premier Chen Chien-jen and Central Election Commission Chairman Li Chin-yung discuss the proposed changes to Taiwan’s voting laws, focusing on absentee voting and voting by mail. Chen emphasizes the importance of research to ensure citizen rights and election security, while Li raises concerns about potential foreign interference. The Democratic Progressive Party expresses skepticism, fearing loopholes for Chinese influence, while Li suggests starting with a referendum and implementing "transfer voting" as a reference for future studies. Li stresses the need to carefully consider electoral reforms to protect voting rights and secret balloting.
    2024/03/11 18:17
  • Evan Medeiros analyzes US, China changing domestic politics

    Former NSC senior director Evan Medeiros delves into US-China dynamics, highlighting Congress’s focus on China issues and Xi Jinping’s domestic policy shifts. As the US elections approach, Medeiros urges resilience and diversification in global relations.
    2024/02/21 17:28
  • What’s next for Lai Ching-te, the minority president?

    Explore the challenges facing Lai Ching-te’s administration with a minority in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. Experts weigh in on strategies for effective governance, drawing lessons from past leaders and considering the coalition government as a pathway to overcoming legislative gridlock.
    2024/02/13 08:00
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • Huang Shan-shan to bid for legislative speaker seat for TPP

    The Taiwan People’s Party announces the nomination of Huang Shan-shan for the Legislative Yuan’s speaker position, signaling a significant shift in Taiwan’s political scene and a new path of civicism.
    2024/01/31 16:28
  • KMT head demands party unity ahead of speaker vote

    As Taiwan prepares for the inauguration of its 11th Legislative Yuan, KMT chairman Eric Chu emphasizes the need for party unity and transparent elections. Chu critiques potential deceptive tactics by the DPP and advocates for significant parliamentary reforms and a collaborative effort to foster a renewed democratic atmosphere in Taiwan.
    2024/01/31 15:21
  • TPP maintains silence on legislative speaker endorsement

    Read about the strategic silence of the Taiwan People’s Party as they prepare to reveal their endorsements for the speaker and deputy speaker positions. With the new legislature’s inauguration on the horizon, the TPP’s decision is eagerly awaited by both the DPP and KMT, setting the stage for a significant shift in Taiwan’s legislative landscape.
    2024/01/30 17:02
  • Taiwan and Lithuania strengthen ties in defense of democracy

    Legislative Speaker You Si-kun met with a Lithuanian delegation led by Matas Maldeikis, chairman of the Lithuania-Taiwan parliamentary friendship group. The meeting highlighted Taiwan’s recent election, which had a voter turnout of over 70%, as a clear message from the Taiwanese people to defend democratic freedom and national sovereignty. The delegation included three deputy speakers of the Lithuanian parliament and eight other cross-party lawmakers. Speaker You noted that 2024 is a "super election year" globally, with Taiwan being the second country to hold elections this year. He also expressed his wishes for Lithuania’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in May and October 2024. The speaker emphasized that elections represent the "possibility of choice," "freedom to participate in politics," and "protection of speech," which are rights unfathomable under authoritarian rule. He called on global democratic allies to unite in facing authoritarian challenges and safeguarding democracy and prosperity worldwide. Speaker You expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s support and highlighted the countries’ cooperation on humanitarian aid, particularly in helping Ukrainian students return to school.
    2024/01/26 18:06
  • Chiang Wan-an calls for action to regain trust in KMT

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes the need for the Kuomintang (KMT) to gain public recognition through tangible accomplishments. Chiang believes that political achievements are crucial in obtaining public endorsement and is willing to provide suggestions to build trust among young people in the KMT. Regarding the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s withdrawal from the New Tide faction, Chiang clarifies that it is an internal matter for the DPP. He expresses hope that the future central government will prioritize national affairs over politics.
    2024/01/18 16:07
  • Businesses urge President-elect to boost cross-strait ties

    The Third Wednesday Club Chairman Lin Por-fong expresses hope for improved cross-strait relations and economic cooperation under the ECFA with President-elect Lai Ching-te. Lin emphasizes the importance of handling international relations well, resolving cross-strait issues through communication and exchange, and establishing communication mechanisms with China. He believes that cross-strait relations impact economic development and calls for the loosening of restrictions on the economy, tourism, and culture. Lin advocates for the active maintenance of the ECFA, highlighting that international economic agreements like the CPTPP and RCEP require mainland China’s consent. Concerns are raised about the potential impacts on industries if China terminates the ECFA. Compal Electronics Chairman Hsu Sheng-hsiung warns of global unrest due to constant change and challenges across industries, technologies, economies, politics, and conflicts among nations. He also highlights the need for industries to monitor potential escalations of conflicts as nations vie for resources.
    2024/01/18 10:25
  • TPP emerges as new force in Taiwan’s political landscape

    Explore the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape following the recent legislative election. Learn about the new balance of power in the Legislative Yuan, the rise of the TPP, and the focus on domestic issues over cross-strait relations. Understand how these election results reflect changing voter sentiments in Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.
    2024/01/15 17:07
  • Surgeon-turned-politician vies for presidency in Taiwan

    In a significant moment for Taiwan’s democracy, TPP candidate Ko Wen-je rallied supporters in Taipei on the eve of the general elections, aiming to alter the long-standing political landscape dominated by KMT and DPP. His campaign, focusing on pragmatic reforms and targeting the youth vote, signifies a potential shift in Taiwan’s political dynamics.
    2024/01/12 15:15
  • Taiwan gears up for critical legislative election

    Taiwan is poised for significant political changes with its upcoming presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 13. The elections could result in a shift in legislative power, potentially leading to a divided minority government, and highlight the importance of inter-party cooperation in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/01/11 17:03
  • DPP candidates focus on democracy ahead of Taiwan elections

    Explore the implications of Taiwan’s upcoming election on Jan. 13, as DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim outline their vision for democracy, relations with China, and the island’s role in global politics.
    2024/01/09 21:18
  • Taiwan’s voting procedure and polling station rules

    As Taiwan approaches its general election on January 13, voters are reminded to bring essential items like their ID, chop, and voter notice. Strict rules at polling stations and a ban on electioneering highlight the importance of adherence to procedures for a smooth election process.
    2024/01/09 20:09
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